On this page we would like to share examples of best practice and publish


Useful links

Erasmus + EU-Programme for Education zur Website
Pädagogischer Austauschdienst German: Austauschdienst der Kultusministerkonferenz zur Website
Europäischer Wettbewerb German: Europa in der Schule, jedes Jahr mit neuen Wettbewerbsideen zur Website
rausvonzuhaus German: Austauschmöglichkeiten, Workcamps und Praktika im Ausland von der Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit in Bonn zur Website
UK-German Connection An initiative for students between 15 and 19 years of age zur Website


Reference Documents

The following documents are an incentive to create and promote CertiLingua as a means to foster the European idea in the context of school education.

A Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to languages and cultures to framework
Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture
A Framework of Reference for Democratic Culture by the Council of Europe and cultures to framework
European Education Area
The European Commission strives for a European Education Area and cultures to website
Europabildung in der Schule Empfehlung der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der BundesrepublikDeutschland zur Website
Interkulturelle Bildung und Erziehung in der Schule German: Empfehlung der Kultusministerkonferenz zur interkulturellen Bildung und Erziehung in der Schule zur Website


CertiLingua in scientific publications

CertiLingua is mentioned in the following scientific publications:

  • Raasch, Albert. „Sprachenzertifikate“. Handbuch Fremdsprachendidaktik. Wolfgang Hallet & Frank Königs (Hrsg.). Seelze: Klett/Kallmeyer, 2010.
  • Ritzenhofen, Ute und Nadja Vogt. „Schulexterne Sprachzertifikate – Das
    CertiLingua Exzellenzlabel“. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch, Heft 108, 2010.
  • Wolfgang Hallet & Frank G. Königs (Hrsg.). Handbuch Bilingualer Unterricht. Content and Language Integrated Learning. Seelze: Klett/Kallmeyer, 2013.


CertiLingua Project Documentations

„The time in Ireland enhanced my intercultural competence in several ways.
First of all, talking to strangers has become an important part of discovering a country for me. It takes some courage but eventually I learned that people are more open and friendly, than you expect them to be. […]
Secondly, I got rid of my approach wanting to “help” people. As mentioned before, I believe, that societies of third-world-countries are in many ways better than our western European one. The aim of “development” is arrogant in a way. I try to be open and look behind the scene. I don´t have the right to judge a country or a people.
At last, I experienced myself how languages open doors. All the knowledge and the stories of people I met were only accessible because of my English skills. There is so much to know.“

taken from a CertiLingua project documentation

  • projects with a social or pedagogical focus

project short description pdf
Dans quelle mesure une institution bilingue promeut un échange interculturel?
Documentation in FRENCH: Does a bilingual crèche promote intercultural competences as well?


Childhood in North American and German Culture The project researches aspects of childhood and familial affection in North America and Germany


Facebook and Australian Teenagers The project researches the role of Facebook for Australian teenagers


Humanitarian Aid work in India During a two week internship in India a student teaches English to street children in Delhi.


Renovation of a South African Township kindergarten During his stay in South Africa a student plans to help renovating a kindergarten in South Africa.


  • projects with a political focus

project short description pdf
European Youth Parliament

A group of students participates in the European Youth parliament.


Model United Nations

A student reports about the experiences at a MUN event in Berlin.


Mon projet européen A student particpating in a European project in France. Report in FRENCH.

currently not available

  • projects with a cultural/ intercultural focus

project short description pdf
Costa Rica trifft Deutschland Documentation in SPANISH


The Life of Irish Travellers‘ children A very interesting and insightful documentation about a less well-known aspect of the Irish culture


Der Einfluss der deutschen Immigration nach Süd-Chile
Documentation in SPANISH

Im Fokus steht die Región de los Lagos


Weimar Triangle A student participates in an international youth exchange project meeting young people from France and Poland, discussing cultural matters and prejudices.


Summer Time in Israel A student participates in an international project in Israel


No Mercedes in the Parking Lot Project on stereotypes by a German exchange student at an American high school


Geschichte erspielen – Perspektive Europa In a trinational project a student helps in refurbishing a German military cemetery in France


  • projects with a focus on work experience

project short description pdf
Creating a business plan for the Chinese market – a FOM project Our partner, the FOM uinversity in Essen, assisted a student in realizing a business-oriented project with students from China


Les ludothèques francaises A student does an internship in a French ludothèque



Project Documentations with audiovisual elements

This is one example of a project documentation with audiovisual elements.

Read the written part HERE and watch the video below.


This is another example of a project documentation with audiovisual elements.

Read the written part HERE and watch the video below.