Organisational structure of the CertiLingua Network
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1. The CertiLingua Network
CertiLingua members of the network are the highest educational authorities of the partner countries who have signed the memorandum of understanding (Appendix 2). The Memorandum of Understanding defines the cooperation of countries in the CertiLingua network. With the signature of the memorandum, the partner countries declare their willingness to ensure the CertiLingua quality criteria in participating schools through the use of appropriate instruments. Other interested countries and institutions can collaborate in the CertiLingua network. Accession of a country to the CertiLingua network is possible at any time by handing in the signed Memorandum of Understanding to the CertiLingua steering group. The CertiLingua network meets at least once a year for the annual CertiLingua conference. During the annual conference, the members of the international steering group are nominated and elected by the CertiLingua network. All members of the network CertiLingua commit themselves to evaluate the label of excellence and support the further development of the label.
2. The annual CertiLingua conference
The annual meeting is usually convened once a year. Each member country of the CertiLingua network can act as host, the partner countries rotatively take over responsibility. The annual conference is convened and conducted by the international steering group. The main target of the annual conference is the coordination, evaluation and further development of the label of excellence with the goal of improving quality measures. During the pilot phase all the decisions of the annual session are taken unanimously. Entitled to vote are those countries which have signed the memorandum. Other interested countries and institutions can participate as advisers without voting rights in the annual conference. The annual conference elects the members of the international steering group.
3. The international steering group
The international steering group is appointed by the CertiLingua – annual conference. It assumes the coordination of the CertiLingua network and is especially useful for the preparation and implementation of the decisions of the CertiLingua international annual conference. The International steering group represents the interests of all CertiLingua partner countries for the period between annual meetings.
4. The CertiLingua Supporters
The importance and success of a label of excellence accompanying school leaving examinations depend to a great extent on its familiarity and acceptance by the public. The CertiLingua Supporters – companies, universities or institutions that support the idea of the label – propagate the special significance of the CertiLingua label of excellence among industry, commerce, schools, universities, institutions and the public at large, and, acting through other associations (e.g. Chambers of Commerce and Industry, entrepreneurial and university associations), ensure a greater degree of familiarity for the label of excellence. This support strengthens the interest and commitment of students and their schools. Membership of the CertiLingua Supporters entails no costs whatsoever and has the sole function of promoting familiarity with and recognition of the CertiLingua label of excellence in commerce, industry and universities, possibly offering work placements to CertiLingua applicants and contributing reports on experience with the employment of CertiLingua certificate holders. Many renowned universities, institutions and companies and have joined this sponsors group already.